
medicare supplemental insurance plans

Believe it or not, it's possible to stay healthy even when your work shifts. Every night, a large segment of the Indian workforce keeps the economy moving. The schedules of shift workers differ so greatly from most others that these shift workers can sometimes feel they are living in a parallel universe. Shift work presents many challenges and can leave little time for a healthy lifestyle. If you are a shift worker looking to adopt a successful health regime, you have to know how to eat nutritiously, how and when to exercise, and how to get enough sleep so that you recover from the tiredness of our work.

A study of shift workers completed by the Harvard School of Public Health found that, 'a poor diet was recognized as a common factor '. Lack of preparation before heading to work leads to grabbing something quickly to eat on the job. While working late shifts, the choices are often limited to fast food chains or roadside stalls. To avoid this, plan ahead and bring your meals with you.

Use your days off to cook large quantities of food that you can freeze or refrigerate for later and quickly pack and take with you on your shift. Stick to wholesome foods that include high quality carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats. Stay away from high-fat and high-sodium foods. Eat small, frequent meals every few hours to keep your energy levels consistent throughout the day (or night). Protein shakes and meal replacement drinks are a great way to get a fast, convenient meal.

Exercise will give you increased energy and help you to adjust to rotating shifts. Depending on how much physical labor you do on your job, you need to balance your workouts to complement your workload. If you do a great deal of physical lifting at work, be sure that when you exercise you are not over working your body, and that you work on muscle groups that are seldom being used to balance your body structure and avoid injuries.


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