
medicare supplemental insurance

A truly global defence
With the global downturn biting hard, providing long term financial protection for you and your family has never been so important.
The financial packing list for expats is well known, including international private medical insurance, international pensions and offshore savings vehicles – but many expats could be overlooking specialist international protection products as a key part of their expat financial armoury to ensure their financial well being, especially in the current economic climate.
The cost of living all around the world is rising at an alarming rate. Could you and your family survive financially if you were unable to work due to long-term illness or if you died?
Fortunately, William Russell's Global Life and Global Income Protection plans are designed specifically for expatriates. Global Life will provide your family with a cash lump sum should you die, and Global Income Protection will provide a regular income if you are unable to work due to long-term illness.
Expats need protection products designed for international living if they are to provide effective financial security for themselves and their families. But beware, unlike William Russell's plans, most protection products are designed for domestic markets and much of their effectiveness is left behind when an expat passes the border control of their home nation.
Our Global plans provide full protection all around the world, international claims capability and 24/7 emergency assistance.
Make sure that you're well insured for whatever life may throw your way with the perfect insurance line-up from a world-class team.


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